“Because everyone who is born from God defeats the world. And this is the victory that has defeated the world: our faith.” 1 John 5:4
Everyone loves to be a winner. While I’m not into baseball, I know how many are excited over the Atlanta Braves winning the world series for the first time in 26 years. It’s exciting to see the underdog win. The Braves believed they could, they had faith that it was possible and they won! Victory is sweet! So often, however, we feel like victory in our own lives is far off. We try to believe and put our best foot forward but will victory really be ours?
We have to redefine victory. In this world, victory is so often seen as a visible win that can be justifiably celebrated. While that is a type of victory, a worldly victory, this is not an eternal victory. You see, victory doesn’t come when life goes your way. Victory comes when, despite what’s going on in your life, your faith stands firm.
We must choose faith over fear. Fear says, “What if.” Faith says, “Even if.” Reframing our thinking makes all the difference. What if I lose my job? What if I fail my test? What if I have cancer? What if my loved one dies? What if…What if…What if…You can always find a, “What if,” but what if we chose to say, “Even if?” Situations will arise, problems will come, but we get to choose how we will think about them, how we will speak about them. Choosing to say, “Even if” is choosing faith. Even if I lose my job, I know the LORD will provide. Even if I fail my test, I can get up and try again. Even if I have cancer, I will praise God who is with me despite my situation. Even if my loved one dies, I know I have the hope of Jesus’ soon return. The war for our hearts and our minds is real and we will not win it alone. Our only hope is to have faith in Jesus. I love the hymn that says,
Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory! O glorious victory, That overcomes the world.
Prayer: God, I want victory in my own life. Please strengthen my faith. Teach me to say, “Even if,” when situations arise and give me peace to trust that You are in control. Amen.